I found three books with Plans for Time-Travel Machines That 'really' Work. Enclosed are the books I found. If members are interested in buying any of the books, please share you views on each book. I do not really know how good the three books are. Or if you find a good book on "Time Travel information on how build a machine" post it here.
Professor Opmmur
Plans for Time-Travel Machines That 'really' Work: How to Move Through Time and Space Paperback – October 8, 2005
by Patricia C. Ress (Author)
Plans for Time-Travel Machines That 'really' Work
Professor Opmmur
Plans for Time-Travel Machines That 'really' Work: How to Move Through Time and Space Paperback – October 8, 2005
by Patricia C. Ress (Author)
Plans for Time-Travel Machines That 'really' Work