Yes, I have a Multiverse Resonator. It's really just a Hyper Dimensional Resonator built into a copper pyramid. I built it so long ago, I don't exactly remember when. But I never completed it until recently. The problem was the time coils. Consulting with HDRKid helped me resolve that problem. Apparently the time coils are to be made with guitar cord. But in the original schematic it says to use blue phone cord. Blue phone cord didn't work because the wires were so fine, the connections easily broke. So my Multiverse Resonator has been sitting in my closet all these years unfinished. But just recently I decided to make a Hyper Dimensional Resonator. So now I have a completed HDR with the electromagnet and time coils. But the HDR doesn't seem to me to be performing as it should. So I decided to connect the electromagnet and the time coils to my Multiverse Resonator to see how it performs with the copper pyramid construction. So everything was connected. I turned on the power and...
My Multiverse Resonator
My Multiverse Resonator