An article taken from the T.E.C. data files. That's a pretty interesting one containing 3 schematics for the FluxCap, as well as a testimonial from a successful user.
Here are 3 different versions of the Flux Capacitor. The reason for doing this, is to show people, there is more than one way to build a time machine.
The device shown on figure 1, was built by a close friend of mine, who claimed, that after activating the unit for the space of 35 to 40 minutes, people started to pop in and out of the room. In other words, they were transported physically, or at least it would seem, into the past or future of this earth. From what he told me, one women who was transported through time, claimed that after she reappeared, that all of her past problems had been resolved. Sounds like she had an encounter with the creator.
So basically, even for the beginner, these circuits should prove to be quite helpful. Remember! All the circuits which are given here, are pretty much...
Modified Versions of The Flux Capacitor
Here are 3 different versions of the Flux Capacitor. The reason for doing this, is to show people, there is more than one way to build a time machine.
The device shown on figure 1, was built by a close friend of mine, who claimed, that after activating the unit for the space of 35 to 40 minutes, people started to pop in and out of the room. In other words, they were transported physically, or at least it would seem, into the past or future of this earth. From what he told me, one women who was transported through time, claimed that after she reappeared, that all of her past problems had been resolved. Sounds like she had an encounter with the creator.
So basically, even for the beginner, these circuits should prove to be quite helpful. Remember! All the circuits which are given here, are pretty much...
Modified Versions of The Flux Capacitor